Wednesday, June 18, 2008

ok so its been 4 months...

Oh dear, i have been quite lazy!! Since i have the laptop, i subscribe to all my favourite blogs, so they come right to my inbox and i dont even have to open the internet! im soo lazy!! Hope every one is well, Micks sister had her baby last week, a baby girl called ella, she was 7lb 6oz and absolutly gorgeous, i am a very proud Auntie! Anyway, will start to update more regularly again now! xx

Thursday, February 21, 2008

hello again!

Hello again, Hope anyone who reads this is well!

Today is Thursday but we are in the dying minutes of it as i'm up late again!
Not really been upto much today, been tidying the house really bad! the landlady is coming from Holland so we are trying to make it look really nice and make out that we are the best tennants ever lol! Apart from that the world has been really quiet, Just applying for Jobs and trying to get by with rent due next week and all... Its really crap having no money, and not being able to contribute to anything, we have loads of bills due to which is gutting, im really down about it all.
So yeah! anyway 2 gigs this weekend and my nan and grandad are coming to the one tomorrow which is making me quite nervous! Argh!!

Hopefully something intresting will happen this weekend so i will be able to write something interesting on Monday or if its really good right after it happens.


Monday, February 18, 2008


I havent updated for a whiile due to a really shit week which i have just incounted. As you know i was ill with a chest infection, which kept me off work. Well when i text one of my bosses on Sunday to explain that i was still to ill to come on on the monday i heard nothing back so i just presumed that nothing was wrong and all was fine. When i finally woke up on Monday after another night of broken sleep i had a text from my Agency asking me to ring them. Well the bitch (who i hadnt text as she had been away for the last 2 weeks) Had sacked me or "let me go" however you would like to put it. The Bitch. I cant believe her! I mean i was really sodding ill, and the only reason she could give was that things hadnt been right for a while. HELLO! if you've got a problem love talk to me about it and i will sort it out. As you can see this has really wound me up! I am now unemployed, the agency seem to have forgotten all about me and i have to try and pay rent on two weeks. all i can say is thank god Micks earning at the moment. I'm quite upset still though as i made some really good friends, most of which cannot believe what has happened and want me to go and work for them, I dont know yet... I have applied to work with my mum but that will be a long wait as it is a big company. I might go temping for a bit. I really dont know. I'm going to try and spend some time with my little sister as she is on half term at the moment, and try and learn so keyboards for this Pink FLOYD tribute that Mick is so bloody excited about doing.

Any way apart from that, we had a good weekend sorta. Friday it was Micks brothers birthday so we went up the pub to celebrate, just to find that the music was all mellow and we for some reason just wanted to get hammered. So 4 shots and several drinks later the job was done, we were hammered and heading for bed, although i was feeling so sick i found it difficault to sleep, especially with Mick getting up and throwing up all night! Nightmare! So we got up at about 9 Went and spoke to his sister and made our way home to die on the sofas. We had to go back to the pub that night as my stepsons band were playing up there. " we're on at half 8" Great we though we'll be home by half Nine! Ha Ha how wrong were we, The bands took ages sound checking, Jasons band didnt even get on to sound check until quarter to ten, They finished at half ten and we were home by 11.
Yesterday was our niece's 10th Birthday, Bless her! well and her mum and dad, 22 Kids! I couldnt believe it! all rinning around, The only thing that managed to calm them all down (Apart from Food) was putting high school musical ion singstar, bless them all they were all singing along! Even the boys!.

Any way i think i have rambled on for long enough, i guess i will be updating more now with how the Job hunting goes so stay tuned xx And leave a comment, will be good to hear from you.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Still ill

Oh my god i am still dying. This is really starting to piss me off now.
I did a gig last night which really i shouldnt of done but i mean i need the money so i went. It was ok, i think the hardest thing was singing and trying to hold a cough in. Have you done that, it is the worst form of torture i know, and in the end i lost it. My voice went to during my spectacular rendition of i will survive... You know when you get a sore throat and the only way to get a noise out is at a certain pitch? Well that happened last night, and i got a note but the whole song appeared to be done in that one note! It was hard man! Argh, Even the trusty Jack Daniels couldnt help which was even more depressing.
I think im going to try going to work tomorrow, well give it a go anyway see how i feel and if the cough can be kept under control as i know its really annoying and i dont want to annoy people too much! Ha Ha!

Well we've got to go and get the car and the gear from the pub now so i wil update you on how work goes tomorrow x

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Sorry its been so long


Sorry i have been so neglectful of the blog but i havnt been to well and have been off work for a week now!!! I really am so bored and want to go back to work but the Doctor said not until monday! I cant believe that i used to enjoy being in the house alone all day before i started work! I really thing i am going to go out of my mind!

Micks working as because im still with the agency i dont get paid for being ill so no money for me next week which is really shitty!!!

I dont really know what to say but im so bored i think i am just going to type for the sake of it as i quite like the sound the keys on jmy laptop make when i type!
So yea i have been bored shitless for a week although i did start writing this earliker but my friend came and picked me up to take me to see mick at work so i could get out the house! quite fun i think! although my cheast hurts again i think that was from the over exurtment.
I just watched Juno, AMAZING!!! and yesterday i watched i now pronounce you chuck and Larry - Fooking hillarious if i do say so my self. Mick wouldnt of sat through it so i watched ot alone!

Anyway i think i have bored you all enough xxxxxxx

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Hee Hee

I was supposed to stop smoking today... But i haven't! I am however on a diet so my theory is one thing at a time! I'm quite pleased with myself for doing the diet again, its a strange one but you really see the results at the end!
Works really boring at the moments with the boss off for two weeks,I cant complain though, things are defiantly more relaxed right now!
Everything at home is going well, Micks a lot better and we have found out that we are going to be having a niece come spring which is sooooo Cool!!! I'm going to start buying some cloths and bits but I'm worried as i don't want to jinx anything!
I'm Sooo tired again although there is no reason for it as i was in bed at like 10 last night! maybe too much sleep, who Knows.

Amy winehouse has finally gone into rehab!!! I know this has absolutely nothing to do with me but I think she has an amazing talent and shouldn't waste it being a waster lol!!!

Its my friend from schools party on Saturday, we are going out dressed as wheres wally!! I'm actually really excited as I'm not drinking as part of my diet so it will be interesting to see how it goes!! Wheres Wally, God its going to be funny!!!!

Anyway, i may blog again later as i have to do some more work Now


Thursday, January 24, 2008

Corr blimey!!

Hello again!! My my its been ages!!!! there is a reason for this though as micks been very poorly so i guess i have been learning to grow up. I never realised how selfish i really am... mick really does so a lot for me. I guess I'm just really glad i have had this opportunity to realise that i could and should do more, but i have loved doing it so much! well i guess its true about learning something new all the time.

God none of that makes sense but I'm leaving it in!!

Anyway, works been OK this week, i take it as the less i hear from the bosses then the less i have done wrong lol! Went out on Tuesday after i did the jam. (I had to do it as mick was really sick that day!! ) Well what happened was i said i wanted to go out after but not for long... meaning i would be in bed by 1 at the latest but then i ended up getting in a 2.45! i found out about Heath Ledger when i was out so when i got home i of course had to go on all the different news websites to see if it really was true! i Cant believe it, he was a 'proper fittie' as Katie from work so amazingly puts it. I really love his Movies and 10 things i hate about you is the film me and my mum used to watch whenever we were upset or happy or bored or any excuse at all!
anyway i got to bed at about 3 and then was kept up my mick coughing all night! I was great fun at work the next day (after phoning in sick and then phoning back 5 Min's later and saying that i was going to go in after all)

OK then i think I've rambled on for long enough, sorry if none of this makes sense but when i start it's really difficult to stop!!


Heath Ledger R.I.P. Taken away from us all far too early xx